『浅草側いせ暦』 節分の悪霊ばらい『春雨集』 摺物帖 |“Beans for Tossing During Setsubun Exorcism Ceremony,” from the series Ise Calendars for the Asakusa Group (Asakusa-gawa Ise goyomi)From the Spring Rain Collection (Harusame shū), vol. 2
Title: 『浅草側いせ暦』 節分の悪霊ばらい『春雨集』 摺物帖 |“Beans for Tossing During Setsubun Exorcism Ceremony,” from the series Ise Calendars for the Asakusa Group (Asakusa-gawa Ise goyomi)From the Spring Rain Collection (Harusame shū), vol. 2